As a leading expert in concrete structures, we understand that concrete is not immune to deterioration; hence, Kline Engineering specializes in comprehending our clients' requirements when it comes to revolutionizing the assessment and monitoring of their structures.

After many years working in the business of repairing and preserving buildings and bridges, we bring our extensive expertise to the table by helping our clients in installing structural health monitoring solutions, as well as collecting and analyzing data for preventive and sustainable online monitoring of buildings, bridges, and other structures.

At Kline Engineering, we do not leave the safety and reliability of your structures to chance; therefore, we are working with construction tech company InfrastructureTek to ensure our clients have access to cutting-edge wireless sensor technology that can assess a structure’s condition and transmit real-time readings for a lifetime of up to 80 years.

We specialize in remote structural monitoring via NB-IoT sensors offering a variety of monitoring solutions:

  • Humidity sensors

  • Corrosion sensors

Our comprehensive approach encompasses installation, data analysis, and reporting, ensuring that our clients always have a clear understanding of their structures’ health allowing for timely intervention and preventing small problems from escalating into major concerns.

Our goal is to increase peace of mind, cost savings, and improved operational efficiency to safeguard our client’s investments for a sustainable and secure future.

Read our latest blog post about SHM technologies HERE
