Welcome to the Team!

Join us in welcoming the newest additions to the Kline Engineering team! 🌟

We are thrilled to announce that over the past few months, our Kline family has grown stronger and more diverse than ever before! We have welcomed a remarkable array of talented individuals, each bringing their unique expertise and experiences from all walks of life.

These new additions come from various industries, backgrounds, and geographies, and they have already made significant contributions to our projects and our dynamic work environment. Their presence has infused our team with fresh ideas and energy, propelling us towards greater heights of innovation and excellence.

As we continue to grow, we remain committed to our core values of teamwork, creativity, and client-centricity. We're excited about the journey ahead and the incredible potential that lies within this talented group of individuals:

  • Lena Strawser - Financial Administrator (Manassas, VA)

  • Joseph Diaz - BIM Specialist I / Project Engineer I (Lima, Peru)

  • Sergio Fagundo, P.E. - Senior Project Engineer (Miami, FL)

Please join us in welcoming our new team members and stay tuned for more updates on the exciting projects and developments happening at Kline Engineering!        
